Tag Archives: Administration

Biden Administration Stalls on Marijuana Law Reform

Feb. 23, 2022 Reform of federal marijuana legal guidelines has stalled regardless of President Biden’s marketing campaign promise to decriminalize the drug and polls exhibiting {that a} majority of Americans helps the thought. The inaction rankles supporters of looser marijuana legal guidelines as a result of the thought has help from some Republicans and Democrats. […]

Biden Administration to Provide 10 Million More Tests Per Month to Schools

Jan. 12, 2022 — The Biden administration introduced on Wednesday that 10 million extra COVID-19 assessments will go to varsities every month in an effort to scale back the unfold of the virus and maintain in-person courses going. About 5 million free fast assessments and 5 million free PCR assessments will go to varsities every […]

Biden Administration to Tackle Lead in Drinking Water

By Robert Preidt and Robin FosterHealthDay Reporter FRIDAY, Dec. 17, 2021 (HealthDay News) — In an effort to additional decrease lead ranges in consuming water, the Biden administration on Thursday introduced $2.9 billion in infrastructure invoice funds for lead pipe removing and tighter lead limits. The new, harder limits to be imposed by the Environmental […]