Tag Archives: Babies

Preventing Eczema in Babies With Dry Skin

Does your child have flaky, irritated, cracked pores and skin? About 1 in 5 children will get eczema. For some, it’s the primary symptom of a lifetime of allergic reactions. Infants who’ve eczema usually tend to develop hay fever and bronchial asthma later. Doctors seek advice from such a allergic illness development as “atopic march.” […]

How to Treat a Stuffy Nose in Babies and Toddlers

Your infant is congested. What must you do? In a baby age 3 or underneath, this could be a problem. For starters, it’s not all the time apparent what’s inflicting that stuffy nostril. Infants and toddlers usually catch colds as a result of they’re simply beginning to construct up their immunity to widespread viruses. But […]