Tag Archives: Court

Supreme Court Appears Ready to Overturn Roe

May 3, 2022 – The U.S. Supreme Court could also be on the cusp of overturning 50-years of American abortion legislation, based on a draft opinion in a Mississippi case that was leaked to the information outlet Politico. The draft opinion, written by Justice Samuel Alito, outlines methods a presumed majority of the 9 justices […]

Idaho Supreme Court Blocks State’s Abortion Ban

April 11, 2022 The Idaho Supreme Court has briefly blocked the enforcement of a brand new state legislation that might ban abortions after fetal cardiac exercise is detected, usually after six weeks of being pregnant. Gov. Brad Little signed the laws in late March. It was scheduled to take impact April 22, however Planned Parenthood […]

Supreme Court Blocks Biden Vaccine Mandate for Businesses

Jan. 13, 2022 — The U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday struck down President Joe Biden’s vaccine mandate for big companies however stated an analogous one might proceed whereas challenges to the principles transfer by way of decrease courts. The vote was 6-3 in opposition to the big enterprise mandate and 5-4 in favor of the […]

Supreme Court May Back COVID Vaccine Mandate for Health Workers

Jan. 7, 2022 — The U.S. Supreme Court appeared to agree Friday with the federal authorities that it’s inside its rights to require well being care services that settle for Medicare or Medicaid {dollars} to vaccinate employees in opposition to COVID-19, however justices appeared extra skeptical that the federal government can order different massive companies […]

Supreme Court Leaves Texas Abortion Law in Place

Dec. 10, 2021 — In a extremely anticipated resolution, the U.S. Supreme Court dominated immediately that the controversial Texas abortion legislation that restricts the process to ladies pregnant for six weeks or much less might proceed to be enforced, however allowed for state and federal courts to listen to challenges as to if it violates […]

Supreme Court Receptive to Case That Could Overturn Roe v Wade

Dec. 1, 2021 — A majority of U.S. Supreme Court Justices on Wednesday appeared receptive to the concept there isn’t any constitutional proper to abortion, or, at a minimal, that states are in a position to decide when a being pregnant could be terminated. The justices heard from attorneys arguing for and towards a 2018 […]

Texas Abortion Law Gets Speedy High Court Hearing Monday

By Julie Rovner, Kaiser Health News Friday, October 29, 2021 (Kaiser News) — The Supreme Court on Nov. 1 will hear oral arguments difficult the constitutionality of a brand new Texas abortion legislation — simply days after agreeing to listen to the case. That’s simply considered one of many uncommon issues in regards to the […]

Justice Department Asks Supreme Court to Block Texas Abortion Law

Oct. 19, 2021 The Department of Justice has filed a quick requesting the U.S. Supreme Court briefly block a extremely restrictive abortion legislation in Texas. Supreme Court Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr. has requested officers in Texas to file a response to the Justice Department by midday Thursday, which means the High Court could act […]

Why Vaccine and Mask Mandates Hold Up in Court

Oct. 12, 2021 — President Joe Biden’s announcement in September that giant firms will quickly be required to mandate COVID-19 vaccines or weekly testing for workers set off a domino impact of authorized challenges in numerous states. Court circumstances started to crop up even earlier than that when masks mandates got here into play. And […]