Tag Archives: Data

CDC to Switch From Daily to Weekly COVID Data Updates

Oct. 8, 2022 — The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says it would begin updating COVID-19 case and loss of life counts on a weekly as an alternative of a every day foundation beginning Oct. 20.“To allow for additional reporting flexibility, reduce the reporting burden on states and jurisdictions, and maximize surveillance resources, […]

4 Reasons People Reject Good Data

Aug. 5, 2022 – Thanks to science, we all know the world isn’t flat, that the Earth revolves across the solar (and never the reverse), and that microbes trigger infectious illnesses. So why is scientific skepticism a world phenomenon – and one which seems to be getting worse, if the loopy stuff you noticed your […]

CDC Not Publishing Large Amounts of COVID-19 Data

Feb. 22, 2022 The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has solely revealed a fraction of the information it collected in regards to the COVID-19 pandemic, The New York Times reported, citing a number of individuals conversant in the information. The CDC revealed details about the effectiveness of boosters for individuals below 65 two […]

Booster Shots 90% Effective at Preventing Omicron Hospitalizations: CDC Data

Jan. 24, 2022 — Booster pictures of the Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines look like extremely efficient at stopping hospitalizations because of the Omicron variant, in keeping with three new CDC research revealed on Friday. The further doses have been 90% efficient at holding folks out of the hospital after an infection and 82% efficient […]

Final Data Shows COVID Pill Stays Strong Against Severe Illness

TUESDAY, Dec. 14, 2021 (HealthDay News) — Pfizer Inc. introduced Tuesday {that a} ultimate evaluation reveals its experimental antiviral tablet Paxlovid sharply decreased hospitalizations and deaths amongst individuals at excessive danger for extreme sickness. The newest outcomes, which reinforce an earlier evaluation launched in November, Pfizer’s drug minimize hospitalizations and deaths by practically 90 p.c […]

Lack of Data Hinders Study of Police Killings

Nov. 15, 2021 — Every 12 months within the U.S., folks die after police fireplace gunshots, tase and restrain them, or by accident crash into their vehicles throughout pursuits. But attempt to determine what number of police killings happen yearly, and an unsettling reply emerges: There’s no official, correct rely. At a time when police […]