Tag Archives: Deaths

Nearly 30% of U.S. Cancer Deaths Linked to Smoking

Aug. 29, 2022 – Nearly 123,000 most cancers deaths – or nearly 30% of all most cancers deaths – within the United States in 2019 have been linked to cigarette smoking, a brand new evaluation suggests. That corresponds to greater than 2 million person-years of misplaced life and practically $21 billion in annual misplaced earnings. […]

Michigan Officials Puzzled by Mysterious Deaths of Dogs

By Steven Reinberg HealthDay Reporter HealthDay Reporter WEDNESDAY, Aug. 24, 2022 (HealthDay News) — Health authorities are investigating a parvovirus-like sickness that has killed greater than 30 canine in northern Michigan, most inside three days. The canine died in Otsego County after displaying signs equivalent to vomiting and bloody stool, indicators of canine parvovirus, however […]

Bounce Houses Bring Delight, But Injuries and Deaths Are Risks

Aug. 10, 2022 – No mother or father expects their youngster’s life to be in danger after they climb right into a bouncy fort, however windy days and poor laws can shortly flip glee into terror. In the previous 2 many years, researchers discovered nearly 500 accidents and practically 30 deaths not solely from high-wind-related […]

Gun Deaths Rose 30% Among U.S. Kids in a Decade

In the tip, the duo recognized a 30% rise in danger over the 2010 to 2019 examine timeframe. During that interval, suicides amongst younger Americans rose by 63%. Among ladies, gun-related deaths rose by 46%. Risk additionally rose by 45% amongst white youth and by 36% amongst Black youth. But the rise in danger performed […]

Where Pot Became Legal, Car Crash Deaths Rose

By Steven Reinberg HealthDay Reporter TUESDAY, July 19, 2022 (HealthDay News) – – Car crashes and deaths are on the rise in U.S. states which have legalized leisure marijuana, a brand new examine finds. “Marijuana, like alcohol and nearly each different drug, modifications how you’re feeling and the way you behave. That’s the aim of […]

Vaccinations Cut U.S. COVID Deaths by 58%

By Dennis Thompson HealthDay Reporter WEDNESDAY, July 6, 2022 (HealthDay News) — The U.S. COVID-19 vaccination program slashed the coronavirus’ anticipated loss of life fee by as a lot as 58%, saving tons of of hundreds of lives through the first two waves of the pandemic, a brand new examine says. Computer fashions estimate that […]

U.S. COVID Deaths Hit 1 Million: ‘History Should Judge Us’

May 13, 2022 – Amid warnings of a brand new surge in coronavirus instances, COVID-19 deaths within the United States hit the 1 million mark immediately, based on Johns Hopkins University, a chilling and tragic milestone for a pandemic nonetheless bringing waves of grief and disrupting lives into a 3rd yr. By different measures, the […]

Alcohol-Related Deaths Spiked During First Year of Pandemic: Study

March 22, 2022 — The variety of Americans who died from alcohol-related causes elevated dramatically through the first 12 months of the pandemic, based on a brand new examine printed within the Journal of the American Medical Association. Alcohol-related deaths rose above 99,000 in 2020 — a 25% improve from the almost 79,000 deaths documented […]

More COVID Deaths in Counties With Lower Internet Access

March 18, 2022 U.S. communities with restricted web entry reported increased COVID-19 loss of life charges throughout the first yr of the pandemic, in response to a current research printed in JAMA Network Open. Between 2.4 and 6 deaths per 100,000 folks may have been prevented, the researchers estimated, relying on whether or not they […]

U.S. Traffic Deaths Rise to Highest Level Since 2007

THURSDAY, March 3, 2022 (HealthDay News) — Even although Americans drove much less within the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, near 39,000 lives have been misplaced on U.S. roadways in 2020 — the very best demise toll since 2007, the U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) studies. Fatal collisions spiked virtually 7% between […]