Tag Archives: HIV

HIV Testing Plummeted During Pandemic

By Cara Murez Well beingDay ReporterWell beingDay Reporter MONDAY, June 27, 2022 (Well beingDay News) — Testing for HIV suffered a pointy setback through the first 12 months of the pandemic, new authorities knowledge exhibits. The variety of HIV exams funded by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and administered in well being care […]

Starting a Family When You Have HIV

If you’re residing with HIV and are eager about having youngsters – you’ll be able to. With the fitting care and drugs, folks residing with HIV can have wholesome pregnancies and kids, with out transmitting HIV to a associate or little one. “We’ve come to a place where we have really wonderful medications and medical […]

Can You Breastfeed if You Have HIV?

Baby formulation is really helpful for mothers dwelling with HIV within the U.S. due to a slim likelihood that infants might contract HIV by means of breast milk. Women dwelling with HIV who take antiretroviral remedy and have undetectable viral masses might give beginning to HIV-free infants. They may even see “breast is best” posters […]

COVID Breakthrough Infections More Likely in People Living With HIV

By Alan Mozes HealthDay Reporter WEDNESDAY, June 8, 2022 (HealthDay News) — Even after vaccination, dwelling with HIV ups the chances for COVID an infection, new analysis exhibits. The examine discovered that vaccinated folks dwelling with HIV have a 28% increased danger of growing a “breakthrough” COVID an infection in comparison with those that haven’t […]

COVID Breakthrough Infections More Likely in People Living With HIV

By Alan Mozes HealthDay Reporter WEDNESDAY, June 8, 2022 (HealthDay News) — Even after vaccination, residing with HIV ups the chances for COVID an infection, new analysis exhibits. The research discovered that vaccinated individuals residing with HIV have a 28% larger threat of creating a “breakthrough” COVID an infection in comparison with those that do […]

Could HIV Meds Help Slow Advanced Cancers?

By Alan Mozes HealthDay Reporter THURSDAY, April 7, 2022 (HealthDay News) — The introduction of HAART (extremely energetic anti-retroviral remedy) within the mid-Nineties revolutionized the therapy of HIV/AIDS, halting illness development and dramatically extending lives. Now, a small new examine suggests one other potential use for one of many customary HAART medicines: It halted illness […]

More Questions Than Answers When Managing HIV and Menopause

Note: on this article, “women” refers to cisgender girls — those that establish as girls and had been assigned feminine intercourse at start. Menopause additionally impacts transgender males and non-binary folks, however revealed analysis on the menopause expertise has included solely cisgender girls members. March 18, 2022 — Gina Brown was boarding an early-morning flight […]

Third Transplant Patient Cured of HIV Marks Important Firsts

Feb. 16, 2022 — This week’s information {that a} third particular person has been “cured” of HIV by way of a novel transplant of stem cells has given hope for a larger-scale method to beat again the HIV epidemic that has plagued the world for many years. But whereas this case is definitely trigger for […]

Third Person Living With HIV Has Been Cured by Transplant

Feb. 15, 2022 — A lady has been in remission from HIV for 14 months after being handled for leukemia with transplants of grownup stem cells and umbilical wire blood. If she stays off therapy with none trace of HIV, she can be solely the third particular person on the planet – and the primary […]

More Destructive Variant of HIV Spotted within the Netherlands

By Alan Mozes HealthDay Reporter FRIDAY, Feb. 4, 2022 (HealthDay News) — If the pandemic taught the world nothing else, it is that viruses can mutate, probably giving rise to new and extra dangerous variants. Now, new analysis reveals that is precisely what has occurred with HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. Called VB (for […]