Tag Archives: Marijuana

Marijuana, Meth, Cocaine Use Can Help Trigger Dangerous A-Fib

By Steven Reinberg  HealthDay Reporter THURSDAY, Oct. 20, 2022 (HealthDay News) — Using marijuana will increase the danger of creating the center rhythm dysfunction atrial fibrillation (a-fib), a brand new examine suggests. It’s been recognized that medicine comparable to methamphetamine, cocaine and opiates can instantly have an effect on the center and trigger irregular rhythms […]

Big Rise in Marijuana Vaping Among U.S. Teens

By Amy Norton HealthDay Reporter FRIDAY, May 20, 2022 (HealthDay News) — A rising variety of U.S. youngsters are vaping marijuana — a behavior that in some methods could also be extra dangerous than old style pot smoking, a brand new examine finds. Researchers discovered that between 2017 and 2019, the share of teenagers who […]

Biden Administration Stalls on Marijuana Law Reform

Feb. 23, 2022 Reform of federal marijuana legal guidelines has stalled regardless of President Biden’s marketing campaign promise to decriminalize the drug and polls exhibiting {that a} majority of Americans helps the thought. The inaction rankles supporters of looser marijuana legal guidelines as a result of the thought has help from some Republicans and Democrats. […]

Too Much Marijuana Can Make You Unpleasantly, Dangerously Sick

Feb. 11, 2022 — At the middle of the rising science on the unintended penalties of each day long-term use of marijuana lies a paradox. For years, medical marijuana has been used to ease nausea from most cancers chemotherapy and GI situations. Now, with larger legalization comes rising consciousness that continual use of marijuana — […]

How Marijuana Affects Heart Failure

Can marijuana ease coronary heart failure signs, or may it make the situation worse? A rising variety of U.S. states have legalized marijuana for medical or leisure use, however some consultants say it is probably not wise and even secure to make use of when you’ve got coronary heart failure. “The more I’ve learned over […]

Does Marijuana Help AFib?

Wondering if marijuana might need a soothing impact in your atrial fibrillation? Studies present that medical marijuana may help with signs of some situations like a number of sclerosis, epilepsy, and HIV/AIDS. But for atrial fibrillation, the consequences are extra of a combined bag. A Bit of Good, More Bad “It really depends on what […]

COPD: Can Marijuana Help?

As extra states approve marijuana for medical use, its perks — each attainable and confirmed — appear to be rising like, nicely, weeds. The drug, which comes from the hashish plant, is used to ease nerve ache, calm nausea throughout chemo, deal with glaucoma, and even handle posttraumatic stress dysfunction (PTSD). Research exhibits it could […]

Number of Teens Who Vape Marijuana Doubled in 7 Years

By Dennis Thompson HealthDay Reporter TUESDAY, Oct. 26, 2021 (HealthDay News) — Teenagers have adopted the vaping development into marijuana use, with current research chronicling a growth in pot vaping amongst adolescents within the United States and Canada, researchers report. The proportion of teenagers who’ve experimented with vaped pot has greater than doubled in recent […]