Tag Archives: Medical

Is a Medical Device Sales Career Right for You?

Sometimes, you hear of a profession that you just suppose might mark a brand new course in your life. It’s straightforward to get carried away if you initially hear of it, assuming you’ve lastly discovered your calling, but it surely’s necessary that you just first cease and suppose clearly about what’s concerned and whether or […]

Medical Debt Can Crush Even the Insured

By Denise Mann HealthDay Reporter MONDAY, Sept. 19, 2022 (HealthDay News) — Weeks after a keep within the hospital, your invoice arrives and you’ll barely imagine the quantity due. How is that this even attainable you probably have good medical insurance and, extra importantly, how will you pay it? Unfortunately, you’re not alone. More than […]

Quack Medicine or Medical Miracle?

Pity the poor leech. For greater than a century, it has been a poster youngster for the once-decrepit state of drugs. Nothing illustrates the relative backwardness of pre-Twentieth century well being care than the picture of a hapless affected person coated in bloodsuckers, or the cringe-inducing curios that draw spectators to medical museums, just like […]

‘Patient Influencers’ Partnering With Drug, Medical Companies

June 21, 2022 – In July 2020, actuality star Khloe Kardashian appeared on the tv present The View. During her phase, Kardashian, who has 255 million followers on Instagram, touted the advantage of migraine drug Nurtec ODT. She turned a paid spokesperson for Biohaven Pharmaceuticals, maker of the migraine drug, a couple of weeks earlier […]

Cost of Medical Care Leads to Delays for Many Americans: Survey

June 3, 2022 – Nearly 7 out of 10 Americans have postpone a physician’s appointment or medical process due to the associated fee, in response to a latest WebMD survey. The outcomes confirmed that 69% of the 701 respondents had price points, with age and gender representing vital components within the determination to delay medical […]

Many Wrongly Think Tap Water Is Safe for At-Home Medical Use

May 11, 2022 – While water out of your faucet usually is secure to drink, you shouldn’t use it for at-home medical functions like sinus rinsing, washing contact lenses, and filling respiratory gadgets. But new analysis means that many Americans – wrongly – suppose faucet water is secure for such makes use of. In a […]

Alabama Criminalizes Transgender Medical Treatments For Minors

May 9, 2022 — Alabama grew to become the primary state to make it unlawful for docs to supply gender-affirming medical care to transgender individuals below the age of 19, The Associated Press reported. The Vulnerable Child Compassion and Protection Act  took impact Sunday and makes it against the law to deal with transgender youths […]

Diversifying Medical Illustrations for Skin of Color

SOURCES: American Medical Organization: “Learn About It.” Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology: “Skin color in dermatology textbooks: An updated evaluation and analysis.” Health City: “The Creator of a Viral Black Fetus Medical Illustration Blends Art and Activism.” National Library of Medicine: “Learning Styles of Medical Students – Implications in Education.” Cleveland Clinic: “Eczema.” […]

Tiny Robot Bugs in Development for Medical Relief

March 28, 2022 — When medical doctors cannot simply attain somebody — whether or not it is in a warfare zone or a pure catastrophe — robotic bugs are being designed to return to the rescue. That’s as a result of the identical issues that make some bugs such invasive pests — like their tiny […]

Medical Pot May Help You Avoid Opioids for Back Pain, Arthritis

TUESDAY, March 22, 2022 (HealthDay News) — Medical marijuana might be a viable various to opioid painkillers for individuals coping with arthritis or persistent again ache, two new research present. Many sufferers prescribed opioids for his or her persistent ache wound up taking fewer painkillers — or stopping them altogether — after docs licensed them […]