Tag Archives: Negative

President Biden Tests Negative for COVID-19, Ends Isolation

July 27, 2022 – President Joe Biden has examined destructive for COVID-19, after testing constructive per week in the past. Biden, who has been isolating for the previous 5 days, has no fever and his signs are “steadily improving,” in keeping with his private physician, Kevin O’Connor, DO. The president will resume his regular duties […]

How to Stay Body Positive in a Body Negative World

Long earlier than Megan Jayne Crabbe grew to become a physique positivity advocate, writer, and social media sensation with over 1.3 million followers, she was a teenage woman with anorexia. But even after Crabbe recovered from the lethal illness usually marked by restrictive consuming, intense worry of weight acquire, and distorted physique picture, she struggled […]