Tag Archives: Pregnant

Large Study Confirms COVID Vaccines Safe for Pregnant Women

Aug. 11, 2022 – Pregnant ladies ought to really feel assured that Pfizer’s and Moderna’s vaccines towards COVID-19 are secure, in keeping with a big new examine revealed in the present day. In reality, pregnant vaccinated ladies had decrease odds of a major well being occasion, in contrast with nonpregnant vaccinated ladies, after each doses […]

Pregnant and Have IBD? A GI Doc’s Help Can Be Crucial

May 16, 2022 — When Lindsay S. realized she had inflammatory bowel illness at 24 years previous, her first concern was the way it would possibly have an effect on her plans to have a household and the potential affect on a baby. “Even when I was first being put on medication, I wanted to […]

Can You Be Pregnant and Not Know It?

Quite a few issues may hold a lady from noticing the modifications of their physique: Fear or stress. The considered changing into a mom is so anxious for some girls that they go into deep denial — so deep that they don’t know they’re pregnant. “Denial is a very powerful defense mechanism, making it possible […]