Tag Archives: Rates

Monkeypox Case Rates 5 Times Higher in Black Americans

Oct. 7, 2022 — Monkeypox instances within the U.S. disproportionately have an effect on Black Americans, with charges 5 instances increased than amongst white friends, based on a new report from the Kaiser Family Foundation. Hispanic Americans, Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders even have considerably increased charges of reported monkeypox instances. “Disparities in cases persist […]

Countries With Universal Health Care Had Better Child Vaccination Rates During Pandemic

By Cara Murez HealthDay ReporterHealthDay Reporter THURSDAY, Aug. 18, 2022 (HealthDay News) — Countries which can be nearer to attaining common well being protection noticed smaller declines in routine childhood vaccinations through the pandemic, a brand new research reveals. The World Health Organization describes common well being protection as “all people and communities obtain the […]

Obesity Rates Continue to Climb Among U.S. Kids, Teens

MONDAY, July 25, 2022 (HealthDay News) — For the primary time ever, greater than 1 in 5 American youngsters is overweight. From 2011 to 2012 and once more from 2017 to 2020, charges of weight problems rose for youths between 2 and 5 years of age in addition to 12- to 19-year-olds, a brand new […]

Is the Opioid Crisis Masking Real Rates of Suicides?

April 21, 2022 – Pandemic situations have been ripe for a psychological well being catastrophe: Isolation, a crashing financial system, and a thriller sickness taking intention with lethal accuracy. But whereas cases of despair and anxiousness elevated, there appeared to be one comforting prospect: In the previous 2 years, suicide numbers have dropped. “We all […]

Postpartum Depression Rates Tripled During the Pandemic

THURSDAY, March 17, 2022 (HealthDay News) — Rates of postpartum despair amongst American moms rose practically three-fold through the COVID-19 pandemic, together with giant will increase in main despair and ideas of self-harm, in response to a brand new examine. It included 670 new mothers who accomplished on-line screening between February and July 2020. One-third […]

LGBTQ Adults Report Higher COVID-19 Vaccination Rates Than Heterosexual Adults

Feb. 4, 2022 Gay and lesbian adults report increased COVID-19 vaccination charges total than heterosexual adults, based on a brand new research from the CDC. In addition, homosexual and lesbian adults usually tend to be involved about COVID-19 and to consider within the security and effectiveness of vaccines, the research discovered. “The potential for low […]

HPV Vaccine Could Shifts Rates of Non-Cervical Cancers

Jan. 12, 2022 — A latest headline about dramatic reductions in cervical most cancers amongst younger girls because of the HPV vaccine didn’t inform the entire story of how vaccination may additionally have an effect on many different most cancers sorts. Even with the excellent news of cervical most cancers charges dropping dramatically, HPV remains […]

State Lotteries Didn’t Help Boost Vaccination Rates

The report was printed on-line Oct. 15 in JAMA Health Forum. Dr. Kevin Schulman, a professor of medication at Stanford University’s Clinical Excellence Research Center in Palo Alto, Calif., thinks lotteries have been value attempting. “Lotteries have been necessary ways to try to improve vaccination at a state stage. Many of the states implementing lotteries […]