Tag Archives: Reject

4 Reasons People Reject Good Data

Aug. 5, 2022 – Thanks to science, we all know the world isn’t flat, that the Earth revolves across the solar (and never the reverse), and that microbes trigger infectious illnesses. So why is scientific skepticism a world phenomenon – and one which seems to be getting worse, if the loopy stuff you noticed your […]

49% of Parents of Kids 5-11 Reject COVID Shot for Them

Nov. 24, 2021– As vaccinations amongst kids ages 5-11 choose up steam, a major variety of mother and father say they are not looking for their youngsters vaccinated. In a ballot of WebMD readers, 49% of these responding who’ve kids in that age group say they are not looking for their little kids to get […]

Why Kids Might Reject Sugar-Free Halloween Candy

Oct. 27, 2021 — Trick-or-treaters might not be so simply tricked into loving sugar-free treats, due to style buds hard-wired to hunt calorie-containing sweets, a brand new research suggests. Taste isn’t all about selecting peanut butter cups over jellybeans. Since earliest humanity, our sense of style has helped us detect salty, candy, bitter, savory, and […]