Tag Archives: Seniors

The Complicated Landscape of Seniors and Medications

Oct. 10, 2022 – When the time got here for Ginny Erickson-Ebben’s aged mom to maneuver right into a senior residing facility in 2018, all the household agreed the perfect place was close to Erickson-Ebben. The climate was heat the place she lived in Texas, and Erickson-Ebben lived only a mile down the highway from […]

Eye Trouble May Bring Lower Scores on Seniors’ Thinking Tests

By Robert Preidt HealthDay ReporterHealthDay Reporter FRIDAY, May 20 2022 (HealthDay News) — Poor eyesight makes it more durable to learn and simpler to journey. But it may well additionally result in a misdiagnosis of delicate psychological decline in older folks, in accordance with a brand new, small examine. That can occur if somebody’s considering […]