Tag Archives: State

Ohio State Warns of Fake Adderall Pills After Two Students Die

By Cara Murez HealthDay ReporterHealthDay Reporter MONDAY, May 9, 2022 (HealthDay News) – Ohio State University is warning college students to be cautious of pretend Adderall drugs after two college students died final week. University officers stated that Columbus Public Health has warned the neighborhood concerning the counterfeit Adderall, which include the lethal artificial opioid […]

What a Voice Analysis May Tell Us About Putin’s State of Mind

Kanji Okazaki, founder and CEO, RimTech (Risk Measurement Technologies Co. Ltd), Tokyo. National Multiple Sclerosis Society: “Speech Problems.” Satrajit S. Ghosh, PhD, principal analysis scientist, McGovern Institute for Brain Research, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge; assistant professor of otolaryngology, Harvard Medical School, Boston. The Voice Foundation. Lillian Glass, PhD, communication and physique language professional, Los […]

Biden Unveils ‘Test to Treat’ for COVID in State of the Union

March 2, 2022 — In his first State of the Union handle on Tuesday night, President Joe Biden urged Americans to not let their guard down towards COVID-19 and pledged to make extra exams and coverings accessible. On Wednesday, his workforce unveiled plans to get began. The new National COVID-19 Preparedness Plan, which officers mentioned […]

Non-COVID Highlights From Biden’s State of the Union Address

March 2, 2022 – Beyond COVID-19, President Joe Biden on Tuesday hit on a number of different well being care priorities in his first State of the Union, together with a warning that the administration would scrutinize personal investor possession of nursing properties and that Medicare was going to “set higher standards for nursing homes […]

Ottawa Declares State of Emergency Over Truckers COVID Protest

Feb. 7, 2022 Ottawa Mayor Jim Watson declared a state of emergency within the Canadian capital as trucker-led protests over COVID-19 pandemic security measures unfold throughout the nation. Between 200 and 250 massive vehicles have been parked on the streets in downtown Ottawa close to parliament for greater than every week, blocking interactions and paralyzing […]

State Lotteries Didn’t Help Boost Vaccination Rates

The report was printed on-line Oct. 15 in JAMA Health Forum. Dr. Kevin Schulman, a professor of medication at Stanford University’s Clinical Excellence Research Center in Palo Alto, Calif., thinks lotteries have been value attempting. “Lotteries have been necessary ways to try to improve vaccination at a state stage. Many of the states implementing lotteries […]