What to Know About Health Insurance

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Audtakorn Sutarmjam / EyeEm / Getty Images

Jose Luis Pelaez Inc / Getty Images

Tom Werner / Getty Images



Adria Gross, founder, MedWise Insurance Advocacy, New York.

Anthony Martin, licensed insurance coverage agent and CEO, Choice Mutual, Reno, NV.

Calloway Cook, president, Illuminate Labs, Northampton, MA.

Dena DiNardo, psychologist and marriage and household therapist, Philadelphia.

Department of Managed Healthcare: “Keep Your Health Coverage (COBRA).”

HealthCare.gov: “Affordable Care Act (ACA),” “Unemployed people/COBRA coverage & the Marketplace.”

HealthInsurance.org: “Explore your short-term health insurance options,” “Affordable Care Act (ACA),” “Qualifying event.”

John Millen, managing associate, MillenGroup, Richmond, VA.

NPR: “History Of Employer-Based Health Insurance In The U.S.”

Scott Eckley, president, Apollo Insurance Group, Kansas City, MO.

U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics: “Job Openings and Labor Turnover Summary.”

U.S. Department of Labor: “Continuation of Health Coverage (COBRA).”

The Washington Post: “The ‘Great Resignation’ goes global.”

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